We're off for a year!
From Oct 2014 - Oct 2015, KAPB will be on retreat.
Readers will get a break, and we'll save some money...Best Deal in Town!

KAPB Artwork/ Books Sales

Artwork, Literature

Products sales at the sites below are only available at local merchants. Please contact KAPB for website, locations, and KAPB gift and giving ideas from the KAP products available. Link here.

KAPB English language primers
Primer Art, Plus 
KAPB Illustrations, Plus
Jesus Art, Plus--includes Kharo & Mia color booklets
CollegeMeSome--multi-level essay magazine
1 Word Religious Booklets
Coming To Christ--Faith, Stewardship and Foundations Nazareth Bible Study Program
Pastor: Advanced Studies--One year study in 'Ligature', a scholastic journal in the Eastern Bible study
Testimonies--KAPB prison ministry bookwork

Attention: Store Owners. All our sites have great sale products at wholesale prices!  KAPB illustrations include..clothing, mugs, plaques, plus! Our literature sites have books, booklets and artwork.  Don't miss our bargains in our bulk ordering promotions. You simply must include KAPB's among your merchandise sales.

Online Literature sites

Essays Magazine
Religious work
Attention: Store Owners. All our sites have great sale products at wholesale prices!  KAPB illustrations include..clothing, mugs, plaques, plus! Our literature sites have books, booklets and artwork.  Don't miss our bargains in our bulk ordering promotions. You simply must include KAPB's among your merchandise sales.