We're off for a year!
From Oct 2014 - Oct 2015, KAPB will be on retreat.
Readers will get a break, and we'll save some money...Best Deal in Town!

Welcome to KAPB

What's new...

Did you love William A. Beckon intro primer entitled 'Bernie and the Bees'?  Wait until your students read these two new primers by our newest authors Quincy B. Keifer and Joseph A. Pasty.
Yes, boys too love to read and learn!

2012 ... 'Growing Up Glendie' with Quincy Keifer and Sandie Plunk.
One girl's love of the farm, her family, and friends lead to far too many conflicts...so off to the farm she went with a heart full of joy!
As Always only  $5.00.  
Each young adult primer has the complete 3 primer sets. 
Illustrations by Kara L Aghijlar.

Right behind Quincy Keifer's introduction comes...

2014 ... 'Adventures on the Train' with Joseph A. Pasty. He also will be sharing the spotlight with Sandie Plunk in this action packed adventure primer.
Every young man wants to explore life away from home, but in the big city? A train ride full of adventures and mystery.  All-aboard!  
For only $5.00  
Each young adult primer has the complete 3 primer sets. 
Illustrations by Kara L Aghijlar. Contact us for details. Link here!

2015 -  2020.  KAPB will introduce our newest authors...These home spun girls will be leading off with their primers Juniors In The Press by Abigail Runn and Ghosts with Wallina Pepper.