We're off for a year!
From Oct 2014 - Oct 2015, KAPB will be on retreat.
Readers will get a break, and we'll save some money...Best Deal in Town!

$0.Sales.Org/Kara's Story

Kapb's newest blog entitled 'Plutonium'.  Made from the last section of $0.Sales.Org when that blog was in its original form. If you are looking for the Al Qaeda: The In's and The Out's you will find it at the link above.

Along with several other families, Kara Aghijlar, Anthony Natale, Sharon Coale, Justin Moore and all of the organized crime family members of Al Qaeda can be seen at 'Requiem' on the Comcast, Pioneer TV, and Turk Television International.

Below is re-edited version of $0.Sales.Org...

I Fell For It: Now I'm paying the bills with an unemployment claim!
(Ratatootah, go there! EC as us)

Before the arrival on planet Earth(Genesis,2001), there lived a man who related to the needs of mankind...but, this written recounts the months that I spent gathered up in the one holy church(referred loosely as '"hell").

Questioning the agents on the other end of the phone, I tried to get to the bottom of a no royalty payment due notice that I had received in the mail. "Please, tell me what happen with my $0. sales encountered...my friends purchased a few of my books, but I received nothing on the invoice, ."(Authorhouse Publishing,2006) No answer came back to me over the phone line, so I had no choice but to hang up the receiver and try to sort things out.

 In a line waiting for the morning tasks and the meal food stuff to be delegated, I stood quietly telling everything that had happened to a clinician friend who stood near me while too waiting for "put pen to paper"(quote from learned soup kitchen staff). Pushing forward, we stood pulling winter gloves and hats off ready to sign on the dotted line for a daily chore in the operation of this very special restaurant business...the thought of Jesus given restaurant business. With open coats, my friend informed me of the now good news and on how she too was sacrificing her free time. The good news? A possible a well-determined overthrow of the new writer/author/artist[b].

Pushing from behind and determined to give me the low-down about her experiences, we moved forward, amass the crowd of hungry, to a quiet spot to sit down. Still nudging me along, my friend and I moved in on our now favorite table. Again offering her advice, she handed me some of her day old bread and tried to explain, in no uncertain terms, her thoughts about my delicate book writing situation.

Her thunderous voice pierced my throbbed hearing that pounded against my temples...her muddled words echoed in my over-heated head as I turned towards her chair curious about what she had to say, "there is a unit of strangers," she went on, "...persons(Opus Di, A, 2008) who feel writers living in the U.S. need to pay, say, a certain amount of cash to write books...well, in the book...you know...up there." Vigorously nodding her head yes, she stated, "And publish them...you know...down here."  Bobbing her head back-and-forth indicating her intentions to say "No", she moved her hand across the top of a day-old, jelly-filled pastry.

Stopping to hear all the words again, I evenly held three winter chilly fingers to my lips, and chanted in mumbled tones while watching my closest friend's every movement. The insentient rattling of safe-ware, flatware sliding against the tin dish section ridges while the tangling tussled and clunked flatly against a big, round, rubber trash tubs sitting in the middle of a concrete floor. The sounds deepened even tighter as the argument leveled me, "live on welfare...welfare!"

More people I knew slowly moved in and sat down around us. Newspapers and TV sounds enveloped the room as we all settled back to wait out the noon's day lunch hour. Generic applications pushed under our fingers while filling in the blanks that would draw a blank. Governed by responsible people, each app would find its way to the file labeled "possible new hire".

My dear friend still marching in on her Zion, whispering the intentions of the others, "And, such payments have to be made;" clearing her throat from the oatmeal, "and," with a pause, "unaccountably is necessary." She stopped at stared at me. Adding a smirked grin, she dove into the pile of scrambled eggs and bacon bits. Bouncing my mouge rubber chair, I sat back. Rolling a coin, I saw the images on both sides. Feeling little regard for the laurel wreathes, I stuffed the tails back into my hip pocket.

Rolling back down my sleeves from the daily kitchen clean-up, I sat to the listen of the clammer of the 3:00 snack. Focusing on my friends, who were now the screws in my head, Yan continued on with her side of the debate, "You, Kara," she nodded in a compiled agreement, "as an individual, need to pursue this attempt of bondage in a court-of-law...You know...to re-coop your finances. Let's think it out...what is really happening here...what really went wrong?"

Stopping the pompous chatter(Bean's Cafe, 'Drunks on V', 2007) from a room full of weary travelers, I stared straight into eyes of my fellow servants to the Lord. Looking down at my best darkened clothes(fitting in), I stooped and dropped down again into a dirty, red plastic chair reserved at the hobo's table. Finishing the last of my second lunchie, I drifted off into an inhaled inebriation. My dear friends(Walt, Beech, Cow, Fai, 2007) now, wow, feverishly finished their own special speech added to Yan's(counselor, 2009) in-service advise "...filing papers, court costs, etc are also your sole's responsibility...you need to think ahead...plan for the time of your return, you know, je-su!...this is your fate, work it out!

So, following in the instincts of the one true Christ, I watched as the other Jesus when around the ledge, and the One turned and started off back to Jerusalem...to see what was going on there.(Biblical, Vulgate, A.D. 1/1/1)

The scene set for an emperor, little could be heard from the set stage of a final day. The quiet dulled the room. The brackish sounds from a scuffled concrete floor ran around the desk clerk's front counter hailing the arrival of a pompous ass.

The Aventine counter stood as the darkened flesh undercookie rung his sweaty palms. Thumb rubbing his new designer nose, he then stood looking at his stolen watch printed with a star trek spaceship icon and C. D. Sulu( StarTrek, 1950). upon it. Thundering across the top of the heads of so many apples who sat penciling crosswords in a daily newspaper, druggled yelps echoed around the twosome, "You there, what's your's in a hell's chance of you getting away from me, ugh?"

Staring over at him, I smiled at the thought of sending his ass to jail. Yea, he knew numerous members in the Gotti Crime Family(Octoberfest, 2000). They'd help launch an all out assault on my dreams of being employed again. "You were made for in here(hell), and here you will stay!" he gaily taunted at me with his best Al Pachino voice.

Golly prosties, look at that scurvy kitchen worker holding individuals abed to a soup kitchen, and posthumously with a multitude of horrored hosts!" Staring down at me, he leaned back to stop the vibrations coming from across the room towards him. Adding the related info to the collected behaviors of crime family activities, I added, "Oh look, the little girl with the Christmas tree lights wrapped around her...wow, she's!...wow now brown cow...jeanzie...is that your dear little half pack...your signing a what...? Oh, hey now, where did little Normie Jefferd run off to...ugh, poof, he'll be back later, agh."

The hour of denial came upon them. All the saints heard the singing from the earth, and the band of them loved the words. Finally, the day came to make way to the glory of the Lord. I had a contact, and from...Jesuit Boy?(Tirkiti Jew, bar-Jesus, 5652)
Where's the Money!!

Enter into this shortie portal to see what is before you son. Pay no concern to the words...they sound like too precious deliveries you once heard from the lips of your mother. For a day of arrival must be on your own to win the challenges that life, only, has to offer.

It took better then the entire morning for me to collect the many disastrous variations of lifting money from authors. Randomly filtering through the less them detailed info plus evaluating the contents and truth of it, I finally decided on an attorney's version, who, at the time, was at the place delivering an outstanding arrest warrant for an misdemeanor assault, "In the last six months in a online publication," he said, "I haven't had much trouble with the 'public notice: information of knowledge', (?) (To whom it may concern, 1962,[Roe verses Wade]) so I think what they've been saying is about right on target."

Much fortune has been made by a mighty man as Hercules. Though his may well have held him in strenght, he never knew true love or the love of a real women....back, to the big screw...

In the USA(only...?, 2009):

1. Quarterly profits of a book's market potential, or royalty checks, paid through a publishing house of an author's first years of a new publication are willfully removed from the writer's profits, without questioned...the profiteers call it a tax(mostly ran by 'A'(Quintusel) or the Ratatuta, 2009).
2. To publishing more then one pen name, also, applies this illegal underlying social rule.(Bloomingdale,Indiana, 1492).
3. Pen names or true name, writer must identify themselves publicly or face multiple fines imposed by this type of banishing.
4. If a writer chooses to use public publishing houses, a writer has to stay with the same publisher or start all over again releasing the book's profits to that new publishing company!
5. The writer must learn publishing themselves...plus, turning over all acquired knowledge in the progresses of their business. If the author hasn't yet filed for a Maritime legal request for safety and protection with the International Court at the United Nations(Neurberg Decision, 1954)., the writer will have little bases to a court conviction until the matter of this type of bondage is made aware of. This court action is not done in the USA. Review #7 in this section
6. All included, a writer loses hundreds of thousands of dollars. This system is illegal. But, as a Darwinist society(established, 1909) United States(and other countries, ?) has made it necessary for writers, of any kind of book not just fictional, to live within this system of social rules failing to understand to grave consequences to this neglect. Trillions of dollars in fines imposed on the USA by the United Nations for failure to stop slavery!
7. Again, it is not possible for this court action to be done in the USA. An American author or American interested in becoming a writer must go to another country or an openly free state(Alaska, Oklahoma, Washington State, Massachusetts. 2011 ) and seek permission to file with the International Court, UN from that state...blog post below named 'Mellon Rieners....'

S.L Clemens,(pen name Mark Twain,1910) an American author and humorist wrote, " the underlying hatred for writers in this country is questionable, but I favor living here then anywhere else that comes to mind.

Here the emphases is 1910! 1910 was the conclusion of WW1, with the victory came the loss. Extortion, plain and simple!

Mellon Rieners are on me, Fi-Da-Le-De, get away from me! Mr. Bear

Alas, the story being true, I had to reorganize the Kara's Associated project. The format now had only Sandie Plunk as a writer and Kara Leigh Aghijlar as a illustrator.

Frustrated and disbelieving, I stared at my reflection in the black coffee. Realizing I in a country(USA, 1776), where self-torturing software entitled 'It's On My Head'(garage sale,1962), as well as run by other individuals, thus forcing writers to pay the tortured head person, unconditionally! Yes, pulled to far(low mileage) these self-tortured create the stage to continue to rob writers. Using whatever means to get attention to the fact of their suicidal staged drama, a writer(second highest targeted) is shuffled into giving up three quarters of their royalty payments in the world created by these maniacs. Hey, I'm facing Nazi Germany wearing a burkaitized yamaka! Guess what?...people are actually giving in to these ideas and letting these headless horse riders(Washington Irving,1820) steal authorship money. Wow! Spank me with your perforated love paddle and make me cry, honey.

Understand this!
Working on direct sales of your written literature for more then one hour a day while collecting UI benefits is a crime in most states. It includes: 
*time in jail
*state fines
*loss of UI funds, that is federal and/or emergency supplements for a claim period !
Call your UI office and ask if they have that consideration in your state.

"Gosh WB, I'm a writer/artist an a Hebrew as well?"

Thankfully, by offering his support, Dr. Natale(University of Oklahoma) established constructive childhood behavior interests, and reorganize Kara's Associated Publishing.  Waiting for some other reemployment before I could spend more then one hour on my self-employment ideas, I thought up the possibility that the biographies and illustrations in the published blogs as still apart of the Sandie and Kara Leigh portfolios; thereby, saving myself 5+ years of lost revenue with all 24+ primers, plus their accessories that were waiting for sales. I also modified the $0.Sales.org (Plutonium) to it's new design. It contains the criminals and their Al Qaeda memberships that were listed in the former version of $0.Sales.

'Reality Home Church', that is 'Rh' went on-air in 2011(Bravo Channel) with the day-to-day activities in my daily life by illustrating the willful trespassing of my home and personal activities in the attempt to theft my family business and it's projects. These are truly ugly people who's only desire is blood, sacrifice, slavery and sin.

I want to add this: In the positive USA defense in a 'War on Terror', someone forgot to count a few persons as not mentally with the count...I know I'd hold back now and consider what's right for me! Something will cause this type of bondage to surface, and I'm sure with serious consequences. Where truly is the heart of the American people?

The words of a Freedom of the Press, On-Air local weatherman, "One up for sale meant one up for sale, so now go and dig your ditch writer!" Needless, I share also, within this blog, the ideals of Free Speech, Press, and Religion. So, now "One up for sale means money in my pocket" Finishing up, Kara's Associated Publications simply changed because I don't want or have the inclination to give the money to a Rastaban Xu ideology!

Come and take a look at a few persons who would fit into some of these categories. Maybe you may spot one of them yourself. Enjoy! http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/vod/EZ7v2 (AKA: Plutonium!)